Entering and exiting train stations in Brussels Airport and in the Netherlands

Brussels Airport’s train station and stations in the Netherlands are equipped with access gates. As a result, you can only enter or leave the station using the square bar code (QR Code) on your train ticket.

In order to make your journey as easy as possible, we explain here below how you can open these gates using this bar code. So make sure you have your ticket ready upon arrival or departure!

Entering and leaving the stations

Brussels Airport’s train station and stations in the Netherlands are equipped with access gates. As a result, you can only enter or leave the station using a special square bar code (QR Code) on your train ticket.

In order to make your journey as easy as possible, we explain here below how you can open these gates using this bar code. So make sure you have your ticket ready upon arrival or departure!

Entering and leaving the stations

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+32 70 79 79 79 (€0.30/min)