Please note: limited availability. If you get back to the previous step for changing your selection now, the selected train or fare might no longer be avalaible.
{"toastMessages":[{"message":"Your discount has been applied to your booking.","actions":[17,22,23],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"A service fee has been added to your booking.","actions":[11,19],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"A transaction fee has been added to your booking.","actions":[14],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"Note: the actual price differs from the target price in the previous step.","actions":[7],"displayTime":4000,"manualClose":false},{"message":"Note: the actual price differs from the target price in the previous step.","actions":[8],"displayTime":4000,"manualClose":false},{"message":"The total price of your booking will be shown in a moment.","actions":[6],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"Cancellation insurance has been removed from your booking.","actions":[10],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"Your seat reservation has been removed from your booking.","actions":[5],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"Your discount has been removed from your booking.","actions":[18,24],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"A service fee has been added to your booking.","actions":[12,20],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"Cancellation insurance has been added to your booking.","actions":[9],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"A transaction fee has been added to your booking.","actions":[15],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"Your seat reservation has been added to your booking.","actions":[4],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"The service fee has been removed from your booking.","actions":[13,21],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false},{"message":"The transaction fee has been removed from your booking.","actions":[16],"displayTime":2500,"manualClose":false}],"explanationMessage":"<p>Here you can check the details of your order at any time.</p>\n<a id=\"CloseExplanationPermanent\" class=\"popover-footer\">Don't show this message again</a>"}
Please note: prices are displayed above to help you choose the most appropriate travel option. The total amount of your order will be displayed before payment.
Please note: no price can be calculated at this time. The final amount of your booking will be shown during the next step.
We're searching for the trains that best match your request.
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Date of birth
When you've booked e-tickets, some train companies ask the date of birth of each passenger for on-board inspection. Moreover, your date of birth gives us the opportunity - if necessary - to offer you more personalised offers.
Your country and language
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Country of residenceCountryDepending on your country, we can offer you more relevant offers and services better suited to your needs.Depending on your country, we can offer services and offers better suited to your needs.
Country of residenceCountryDepending on your country, we can offer you more relevant offers and services better suited to your needs.Depending on your country, we can offer services and offers better suited to your needs.
By answering 'yes', you authorise us to inform you of SNCB International's current and future offers by e-mail. You can unsubscribe from this service at any time through your MyTrain account.
By filling out the fields above, you agree that your personal details and the details of your purchase will be processed in an automated manner by SNCB (division SNCB International), a limited company under public law, located avenue de la Porte de Hal 40, 1060 Brussels (Belgium).
The processing of this information will allow us to respond as efficiently as possible to your booking request, to simplify the use of our sales system when you make a future visit and to offer more relevant and personalized services.
As provided for by the Privacy Law, you have a right, free of charge, of opposing to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, and a right of access, adaption and rectification of your personal data at any time in writing to SNCB International, with a proof of your identity, at the following address: SNCB International, B-MS 046, Avenue de la Porte de Hal 40, 1060 Brussels (Belgium), or by e-mail with the SNCB International Customer Service contact form.
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